Monday, May 10, 2010

7 Psychological Weight Loss Tricks

I usually know when people are trying to lose a few extra pounds for the summer. I know, because my book ‘Weight Loss the Forgotten Secret’ starts to sell like hot cakes again.

It’s understandable, just the thought of exposing over 90 % of my body to the world is a scary thought. So, what can we do to make ourselves look, and feel, sexier over the coming months?

Here’s what I recommend you do:

1. Start today! Don’t wait until tomorrow. There is no worse way to sabotage your goal than putting off starting your diet. It makes no sense! The sooner you start, the sooner you begin to see results.

2. Realise this: you never blow your diet. NEVER! If you succumb to the odd piece of cake, or chocolate, SO WHAT! If you think that you won’t EVER drift off your diet, and munch on a piece of pizza—or two, you’re wrong. You may hope you don’t have off days with your diet, but the reality is, you more than likely will. The secret is being able to get back on track again, and of course, avoid beating yourself up in the process.

3. Buy smaller plates. Yeah, I guess you know that already. But have you done it? If not— why not? … it works!

4. Get addicted to walking. It’s the best way to lose weight—period! Start off with 20 minutes a day, and then build up.

5. Make sure you get plenty of sleep. Research has shown that people who sleep for 5 hours or less tend to eat more. This is because when you sleep for 5 hours or less your body produces a hormone that increases your appetite. The good news is, you have another hormone that reduces your appetite when you sleep 8 hours or more.

6. Watch your stress levels. When we become stressed, most of us tend to overeat. It’s our way of coping. Take up yoga, or listen to some relaxation CDs. Do whatever you can to control your daily stress levels.

7. Eat slowly, ve-e-ry slowly! Recent research suggests that when we slow our eating speed down, we can reduce our weight by as much as 2 to 3 pounds a month!

That’s it. Now think about how you can use these tips to take control of your weight, starting today, of course.

Until next time


For more information visit my website's page dedicated to weight loss with hypnosis.